8 Outrageous Mustaches: Movember Campaigns Made Easy

Happy Movember, the furriest month of the year!

Men across the across the world are growing their mustaches this November in support of Prostate Cancer Awareness month. (See how other people have used mustache fundraisers in the past.)

Always wanted to strut a ‘stache? It’s not too late to join. Just stop shaving! And it’s really easy to create an online fundraiser.

In celebration of the month, here are eight outrageous moustaches to spur you on:

Super beard, super mustache & super blue eyes!

Guy with shades and handlebar moustache

Moustache Champion

2009 WBMC World Beard and Moustache Championships Photoset

Great New York Moustaches, Number 1

Moustache 2

Biggest moustache on Flickr

Moustache 9