Initially, Thanksgiving was created by Abraham Lincoln to create just a glimmer of light and hope during the Civil War. Since then, Thanksgiving has become the start of shopping season for Christmas. Black Friday sales have increasingly led to Black Friday deaths as people beat each other up for that valuable game console.
Amidst all of this consumerism (and let’s face it, it’s ugly), there is a new day to add to the Thanksgiving liturgy. It’s called Giving Tuesday, and as you might suspect, the day is dedicated for good deeds, giving to charities, and helping those who perhaps did not have enough money for a turkey dinner, not to mention Black Friday.
There are a lot of great fundraisers here at Mightycause that could use your support on Giving Tuesday, which is December 3 this year. Here are just 10 of them.
1. Garden State Equality
This organization has already won many major victories in New Jersey, including their work on the marriage equality act. They have also worked on anti-bullying efforts and are hoping to continue to build momentum as they strive for equality for all in New Jersey.
2. Needs Beyond Medicine
As if cancer was not scary enough, the bills that can mount up during an illness can be an incredible burden for a person who just needs to concentrate on getting better. Needs Beyond Medicine is an organization in Utah that tries to alleviate some of that strain for Cancer patients. They have had a hard time getting donations this year, so now is a great time to help them out.
3. Maryland Foster Youth Resource Center
Recently a story went viral about a young man went to a church and asked the congregation if someone could please adopt him. The story was heartbreaking, but it also uncovered an uncomfortable truth. Many many children in the U.S. are never adopted. They stay in foster care until they are 18 and then they are turned loose on the world with no safety net to support them. Maryland Foster Youth Resource Center strives to help these young people transition into adulthood.
4. Metropolitan Youth Orchestras of Central Alabama
The goal of this organization sounds simple. They want to make music and musical instruments accessible to all youth in Alabama. Consider supporting them on Giving Tuesday.
5. Community Tax Aid
Located in Washington, D.C., the CTA helps low-income families with taxes during tax season and with other financial questions throughout the year. The CTA is celebrating their 26th anniversary this year so they are hoping for donations of $26 (or multiples thereof).
6. North Dakota Human Rights Coalition
For many years, North Dakota has struggled with a legacy of discrimination. The North Dakota Human Rights Coalition has been charged with trying to make sure all people in the state are treated equally.
7. San Antonio Youth Literacy
This organization tries to match up at-risk children with an adult who can help them learn how to read. Your donations will help increase the chances that at-youth children in the San Antonio area will be able to get the help and guidance they need.
8. EcoWomen
This organization helps women attain leadership status in the fight for environmental improvement. Giving Tuesday marks their final fundraising effort for 2013.
9. National Ocean Sciences Bowl
This is a great way to introduce high school students to the sciences and math along with potential careers in the ocean sciences. The donations page clearly shows what different donation amounts can accomplish for this great organization.
10. The NBCC Foundation
An affiliation of the National Board for Certified Counselors, this organization tries to increase the number of certified counselors and attempts to match those counselors to the areas of greatest need.
Of course there are many other amazing organizations out there that can use your help on Tuesday. There is probably a great organization right in your own backyard that could use a little boost. Bring the holiday season back to what all of the cards say it’s about: giving, gratitude, and helping those less fortunate.