Watch How These Fish Geeks Use Facebook for Science

Oregon State University ichthyologist Brian Sidlauskas and his fellow science peers (who are also his Facebook friends) documented more than 5,000 fish in under 24 hours using Facebook.

Before you read any further, watch the following video that describes how they used photo tagging to achieve this impossible task.

How are you using Facebook to solve problems?

Part of managing a Facebook community is about knowing your community. Who are the experts? Who can best answer questions other people have?

Your job is to be a connector of resources.

  • If your organization supports parents dealing with CP, you can be a connector of resources.
  • If your organization works to find missing children, you can aggregate tips with photo tagging.
  • If your organization protects the rights of the marginalized, you can help connect legal resources.

The list goes on, but you get the idea here. Facebook can be used for much more than fundraising and creating awareness about your cause.

How can you be a problem-solver with Facebook?

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