42,600 Donors Raised Over $10M in 24 Hours
This November, Mightycause and GiveMN.org made history…again
For the second annual Give to the Max Day, Mightycause and GiveMN hit another record setting milestone: in a single day, 42,600 donors gave more than $10million to benefit over 3,600 Minnesota nonprofits.
Learn how an online community giving campaign like Give to the Max Day can help you:
- Establish your Foundation as a community leader and hub of charitable giving
- Energize your existing donors and build your DAFs and Endowments
- Reach new generation of donors
- Build the capacity of nonprofits
- Achieve exceptional fundraising results in a short time-frame
If you lead a Community Foundation, learn more: Signup for a Webinar
Dec 3, 2010: 12-1pm ET Register Here >>
Dec 9, 2010: 3-4pm ET Register Here >>
Jan 18, 2011: 12-1pm ET Register Here >>
Jan 20, 2011: 3-4pm ET Register Here >>
The Videos Say More…

Give to the Max Day 2010 – Campaign Website
Council on Foundations – article about GiveMN.org, Mightycause, and Give to the Max Day 2009
GiveMN.org – A custom, year-round giving-portal powered by Mightycause
Contact us for more information! Email campaigns@mightycause.com or call us at (866) 437 – 1952
More About the Webinar
Mightycause.com is an innovative online giving and fundraising platform that has partnered with GiveMN.org (sponsored by the Minnesota and St. Paul Community Foundations) to power campaigns like Give to the Max Day. We invite you to attend a webinar to learn how your foundation can engage a new generation of donors through innovative community fundraising campaigns like Give to the Max Day.
In this webinar, Hear directly from the Executive Director of GiveMN.org and the CEO of Mightycause about how you can advance your mission and your community leadership position though online giving campaigns.
Questions or want more information? Please contact us at campaigns@mightycause.com or call us at (866) 437-1952.
A Look Back: Give to the Max Day 2009 Results
In November 2009, The Minnesota Community and the St. Paul and Minneapolis Foundations, came together to create GiveMN.org, which was launched with Give to the Max Day – a single day community giving campaign.
$14M was raised in 24 hours. Significant numbers of nonprofits reported acquiring new donors from the campaign; the Minnesota chapter of America’s Second Harvest reported that 700 of 900 donations it received on that day were from “new” donors. Due to the overwhelming success of the 2009 fundraising campaign, Give to the Max Day is now an annual November event!
Quotes from Give to the Max Day 2009