We’re excited to have a guest post from Maddie Grant about this very important issue. Maddie is chief social media strategist at SocialFish, where she helps associations build community on the social web.
When it comes to online fundraising, it is often the little things that count.
The small “tells” on your website that convey trust and credibility are a part of this package, as are the relationships and reputation you have with the people visiting your site.
With social fundraising growing at about 10% year over year, more people will land at an online fundraising page or website through friends, family and other social recommendations.
When they arrive there, they will be looking for cues to decide if they can trust what they see. Certainly good design and a standard process for giving are a huge part of that trust, including a secure donation connection (https://). However, one of the most important tells is the Internet address.
What’s in a Name?
It seems like such a small part, but there is power in a name.
When we see .com, .net, .org, we associate them with a certain expectation. In fact, the slang of calling a nonprofit a “Dot Org” or a company a “Dot Com” has caught on in many circles.
For the first time, a new nonprofit designation is being considered by ICANN, the governing body that regulates new Internet addresses. This address is .NGO, and the Public Interest Registry, which is itself a nonprofit who’s proceeds supports Internet development in underserved countries, is looking to become the manager of this new domain.
Why Support PIRs Application for .NGO? 
PIR will maintain this new domain with an eye toward community. The domain will also be restricted to .NGOs that prove to the community that they are legitimate. This brings instant credibility for nonprofits as the .NGO designation is adopted and marketed over time.
But PIR’s application for this designation isn’t assured. Anyone can apply for .NGO and not everyone will have the best interests of the nonprofit community at large.
PIR is asking that nonprofits support its application with its easy online petition. Its an easy step for nonprofit to take to make sure this new companion address to .ORG stays in the right hands.
Click on the form graphic below to sign the petition or to pass it on to other nonprofits.