6 Ways Nonprofits Can Use Facebook Covers to Promote Online Fundraising

Facebook timeline covers are becoming very popular with a number of nonprofits.

Organizations like the Natural Resources Defense Council and Ocean Conservancy are using timeline covers as a way for Facebook users to show their support of these orgs.

But can you actually make money from Facebook covers?

As I’ve mentioned before, Facebook is best used for fundraising when you have an understanding of its strengths. Here are a few examples of how you can use Facebook covers to promote online fundraising:

Create Awareness

Facebook covers take up a huge amount of real estate in a users profile. And if your supporters have a cover branded with your organization, every time their friends visit their profile, they’ll be reminded of the good work your nonprofit is doing. Best Friends Animal Society allows Facebook users to express their support of the organization with beautiful pictures of animals that BFAS has saved.

Reward Champions

If you have a peer-to-peer fundraising strategy, you know the value of recognizing top performers. With Facebook covers, you can give these champions away to show off their achievements. You can even create a different Facebook cover for each milestone.

Tell the Story

Your nonprofit has a story to tell. And what better way to tell a story than with pictures. Teen Parents of Angels lets their supporters tell their personal story by choosing a specific Facebook cover based on their relationship to an “angel.”

Direct Website Traffic

One thing the tearfund does with their covers is that they include their websites address in all versions. This makes it easy for Facebook users to visit your website and hopefully figure out how to make a donation.

Say Thanks

When people donate to your organization and you express your gratitude, they are more likely to become repeat donors. As part of your effort to thank donors, why not point them to a set of Facebook covers that they can choose from?

Report Outcomes

Research shows that donors are more likely to give repeatedly when outcomes are reported. How can you report outcomes for your organization in pictures? How can you make it compelling and emotional?

These are just a few ideas. Find out how to create Facebook covers here (free photoshop template included).

What is your nonprofit doing with Facebook covers?

6 thoughts on “6 Ways Nonprofits Can Use Facebook Covers to Promote Online Fundraising”

  1. Sign UpFacebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life. Timeline Awareness Covers … Here are some covers you are welcome to use.

  2. u00a0Our site is the largest covers site on the internet and we have many ALS Awareness facebook profile covers for you to use on your facebook timeline profile.

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