We’re going full force into holiday season. In addition to massive present-buying and family hang-out time, the holiday season is also a prime time for social good. However, maybe you’re wishing you could find an organization to support that you’ve never heard of before, or one that caters to a need you want to support but have never been able to before. Well fear not, do-gooders. Here is a list of 50 causes you can support this holiday season, and many of them are in the Mightycause family! I’ve divided this list into a few distinct categories, so you can pick an area of social good that means a lot to you and then choose from there. Here we go!
1. North American Bear Center: Bears have long been hunted, demonized, and abused. The organization is starting the HOPE Learning Center (Hope, Opportunity, Progress, Educating) to help bring the real story about bears to public schools. Donate here!
2. Wildcat Sanctuary: A privately funded no-kill sanctuary for America’s wildcats. If you care about preserving this noble species of animal, this is the cause for you. Donate here!
3. The International Wolf Center: Educating the world about wolves in an effort to save this great species, so often over-hunted and misunderstood. Donate here!
4. Riding to the Top: Offering therapeutic horse-riding to children who have special needs. No state or federal funding so donate here!
5. World Parrot Trust USA: If you’re passionate about preserving parrots, this is the organization for you! Donate here!
6. Austin Pets Alive: If you live in Austin, Texas, you’ll really appreciate this one. Try to make Austin a “no-kill” zone for pets! Donate here!
7. Misfit Acres: A peaceful reserve for horses in need. If you believe horses are great animal companions that deserve our help, donate here!
8. National Eagle Center: Home to five rescued eagles, the National Eagle Center also offers educational programs. Donate here!
9. Environmental Film Festival: Are you a film fan who also supports the environment? This is the cause for you. The Environmental Film Fest happens every March in Washington, D.C. Donate here!
10. One of a Kind Pets: My favorite local animal shelter (Akron, Ohio), they do not euthanize animals and do their best to find forever homes for their animals. Donate here!
Children and Youth
11. GOALS (Get Outside And Learn Something): Supports at-need children by taking them on wildlife trips through Colorado. A great way to take kids out of their environments and back to nature. Donate here!
12. Girl Power 2 Cure Inc: Rett Syndrome is a debilitating neurological condition that primarily affects girls. This organization supports young women with this condition. To support their support of these girls, donate here!
13. CHOSA: Helping South African children live the kinds of lives they deserve to live, CHOSA works alongside South African communities to help children in need. Donate here!
14. Boston Debate League: Offering the children of Boston a chance to hone their skills and network with other children. Donate here!
15. Liberty’s Promise, Inc.: Helping immigrant children adjust and network by engaging them in civic duties. Donate here!
16. The Fugees Academy: To learn more about this great organization you can read a post I wrote awhile back spotlighting Luma Mufleh, the amazing woman who started this organization. Donate here!
17. The Children’s Alopecia Project: The only organization that offers support to children suffering from the rare hair-loss disorder called Alopecia. Donate here!
18. ACCESS: Offering support to Arab American and other immigrant youth through outreach programs and more. Donate here!
19. Our Military Kids: Offering tutoring programs and other types of support to kids whose parents are fighting abroad or who have been wounded. Donate here!
20. The Hopi Foundation: Supporting youth and the entire community on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona. Donate here!
21. Vocal Essence: Spreading good cheer through the power of music, Vocal Essence also hosts a WITNESS program each year featuring the work of African American composers. Donate here!
22. Northern Voices: Helps give children who are hearing impaired the ability to speak for themselves. Donate here!
23. Empowerment International: Breaking the poverty cycle by educating young people and teaching them their potential. Donate here!
24. Jefferson County Library Collective: Allowing everyone in Jefferson County to access all libraries in the county with just one card! Donate here!
25. Critical Exposure: Helps children reach their potential through the art of photography. Donate here!
26. Reach Education: Encourages struggling teens to help tutor younger children in the community. Donate here!
27. Ponheary Ly Foundation: Giving the children of Siem Reap, Cambodia a chance at education. Donate here!
28. Common Hope: Helping the impoverished children of Guatemala attend school. Donate here!
29. Trustees of the Corcoran Gallery of Art: This organization brings art classes to diverse neighborhoods, allowing children to see the ties between art and life. Donate here!
30. Books for Africa: Bring a valued resource to the children of Africa–books! Donate here!
Health and Wellness
31. Get Your Guts in Gear, Inc: Support and awareness for people suffering from IBD. Donate here!
32. SOME (So Others Might Eat): Offering dining areas for the poor of Washington, D.C. Donate here!
33. Joseph’s House, Inc.: Offering care and shelter to women and men suffering from AIDS. Donate here!
34. Riverside Life Services: Offering counseling and support to women who are experiencing unexpected pregnancies. Donate here!
35. Uphill into the Wind: Offering bikes on loan to people who are biking for charity. Donate here!
36. Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research: Raising funds for research, prevention, and cures. Donate here!
37. Down Syndrome Association of Oklahoma: Raising awareness and funds for families caring for children with Downs Syndrome. Donate here!
38. St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital: Fighting cancer and other diseases that children suffer from, one patient at a time. Donate here!
39. VACC Camp: A summer camp for children who depend on ventilators for life. This camp gives them a chance to enjoy life and each other. Brought to my attention by this film Dan Perez created on their behalf. Donate here!
40. National Ability Center: Using recreation to help the disabled learn new skills. Donate here!
Humanitarian Efforts
41. UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency): Offering support to refugees worldwide, most of whom are women and children. Donate here!
42. Reiser Relief: Offering services and support to the people of Haiti. Donate here!
43. Stand Against Suicide: Raising awareness of and attempting to prevent suicide. Donate here!
44. The Michael Lisnow Respite Center: Offering “a home away from home” for children with disabilities. Donate here!
45. Women With Drive: You can read more about this organization via a post I wrote for Mightycause a little while back. It’s a great organization with great people. Donate here (but specify it’s for WWDF)!
46. TheOrphanNetwork: Rescuing abused and abandoned children. Donate here!
47. Burma Humanitarian Mission: Inspired to help protect human rights in Burma while also offering support to Burma’s citizens. Donate here!
48. Center for Victims of Torture: This organization has already helped 23,000 persons devastated by torture. Help them help more by donating here!
49. The Mali Health Organizing Project: Helping the people of Sikoro, Mali by advancing maternal and child healthcare. Donate here!
50. Remember the Fallen: Honoring America’s fallen law enforcement officials. Donate here!
Now the real question, after looking at this list, is simple. What did I miss? Please feel free to share your favorite social good organization in the comments. Let the good flow this holiday season!