YOU did it!

Your supports give you their time and money because they want to change the world. And for most of them, it’s personal.

They see themselves as an equal participant in creating that change WITH your organization – not as a sideliner.

I, me, mine

i me mine

So when you talk about your nonprofit changing the world, there’s a disconnect.

Yes, your organization is delivering the services, education, aid, etc. But your organization exists only as an agent for the change your supporters are fighting for.

You literally would not exist without them!

The secret to building a thriving community

If you want more committed volunteers, more generous donors, and more evangelists for your cause, do this:

Swallow your ego and start telling the world about your amazing community.

In as many ways as you possibly can, tell your community:

YOU did it!

3 thoughts on “YOU did it!”

  1. It means recognize your community by sharing about how they help your organization.
    Say Thank you, share pics of their hard work,and don’t forget to mix it up with success stories
    “People give to people not to organizations”

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