5 thoughts on “Nonprofit Spotlight: How Soles 4 Souls Uses Images to Engage”

  1. Very practical and informative. Thanks for these ideas, and it’s cool to see how pictures really can help people understand what a ministry/company/organization are doing and display their vision over and over. It really seems true that pictures connect more deeply with people than simple text, especially in a highly dense text filled environment.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Adam, and for the comment. I think we’re just starting to really understand the power of visuals when it comes to our online experience. And with tools like Instagram and platforms like Pinterest, there are so many new opportunities for us to take advantage of that. As for text, I know that I rarely read every word in a post. I skim a lot, but pictures will grab me more easily.u00a0

  2. This makes a difference indeed to both the reader and the beneficiary. If the Soles 4 the souls extends their hands to Malawi hope many children can benefit allot.

  3. This makes a difference indeed to both the reader and the beneficiary. If the Soles 4 the souls extends their hands to Malawi hope many children can benefit allot. This has been sent by me and not Kristin. This is a correction for the error.

  4. Pingback: Stop Trying to Game Facebook’s Edgerank

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