Spot Some Good?


Photo by Case Foundation

When was the last time you saw a little kid help an older lady cross the street?

Ok, maybe never because it’s not 1955. But at one point or another we’ve come across someone doing something good. And sometimes, we’re that someone performing the good deed.

This season, the Case Foundation is giving everyone a chance to capture the moment and win some prizes for their favorite charities.

#GoodSpotting is a national campaign where everyone is invited to contribute to a growing collection of photos capturing people giving back to their communities. It’s a nice social project encouraging us to take notice of others doing good for our fellow neighbors.

As a reward, entrants can be eligible to win a $500 cash award for themselves, and up to a $5,000 to the charity of their choice.

You can see the photos that have already been submitted in their online photo album. For more information on the #GoodSpotting campaign, visit their website or Facebook page.