4 Ways to Get Your Creative Groove On

Tired of doing the same thing? In 2012, challenge yourself to tell your story in new and different ways. Whether it be video, photography, illustrations, comics and more, let’s explore four ways to get your creative groove on.

1. Evolve Your Storytelling

The Anti-Drug CampaignA great of example of this comes from the Israeli Anti-Drug Authority who launched the first “campaign” using Facebook timeline. Creatively named “Drugs set your timeline,” the campaign shows two life paths of the same fictional person using the left and right sides of timeline. The right side shows him living a happy, healthy life, and the left side shows the impact drugs and addiction can have on a person’s life.

BONUS: 10 Facebook Timeline Designs That Will Blow You Away

2. Use Video

The Museum Report to the Community

Preparing your 2011 year-end report? Try using video. Debra Askanase wrote an excellent post recently on this topic saying, “Video is a natural medium for storytelling, and that’s what the annual report should be.” Askanase offers the following advice for getting creative with your annual report using video:

  • –Ask volunteers/members/constituents/stakeholders to submit video content for the annual report
  • –Crowdsource ideas for what should be featured in the report
  • –Run a contest around sharing the report to the most people and places
  • –Include a question during the video report that you’d like viewers to respond to in the comments
  • –Ask for video responses to the report
  • –Run a contest for fans to create their own annual report of what they think the organization has done best over the past year

Read On: Rethinking the Annual Report for Video

3. Visualize Your Data

Data Infographic

We can all admit: there are good infographics and there are bad ones. Infographics are visual displays of information and come in a variety of types, colors, and sizes. To go from good to great, you have to start somehow. How can you creatively visualize your organization’s data? Smashing Magazine recently published some “do’s and don’ts” of infographic design to help you get started:

  • –Optimize data by identifying opportunities to display information visually
  • –Expand upon the story your unique data tells through visual cues
  • –Understand simplicity is key
  • –Apply graphic design best practices
  • –Think “data and information first” and “design” second

BONUS: The 22 Best Infographics of 2011

4. Drive Competition for Good

Forefox Mozilla ChallengeWho doesn’t like a good challenge? You can spur creativity within your own organization or community by utilizing the concept of competition. Government agencies and nonprofits have hosted through their own challenges or contests–perhaps you can use this idea (or build upon it) in 2012.

An example of using competition for good is Mozille Firefox’s Challenge which ends tomorrow, January 11. In partnership with Crowdrise, the challenge encourages donations to celebrity causes and the celebrity who raises the most money wins the jackpot. Participants can even join celebrity fundraising teams or start their own fundraiser as well.

How are you bringing creativity into 2012?

Whether it’s turning baking into giving or creating a comic strip to help fundraise, may creativity flourish in 2012 and never leave your side.

BONUS: Best Practices to Kick-Off Online Fundraising