6 Ways to Use Pictures for Fundraising

Photo courtey of sneakerdog

Last week, I featured 6 ideas on how your nonprofit can capture images of the work you do. But now what? How do you use those images?

Here are 6 ways you can use photos—online and offline—to promote your fundraisers.

1. Facebook and Twitter

These are the obvious choices, and possibly the first ones you go to. Facebook has enhanced the way pictures show up on your page and on your fans’ newsfeeds. Twitter also has a feature that collects your picture uploads in one place. A Facebook share and a ReTweet are easy ways to get the word of mouth going for your cause. Create a plan to keep your Facebook page alive with pictures and calls-to-action beside them.

2. Pinterest and Instagram

Pinterest and Instagram are in separate categories here because they are primarily image-based sharing networks; you can’t share anything unless it has an image. Both of these networks are also mobile optimized, so you have a lot of users viewing—and sharing—on the go. Upload or pin the pictures you’ve taken, and tell the story behind them (briefly) in the description. But be sure to include a simple call-to-action with a link so with a swipe of their thumb, they can donate, sign your petition, spread the word—whatever.

3. Website and Blog

Your website and blog are the two resources your supporters—and future supporters—will seek when they need more information about you and your cause. But remember that it’s a little harder to read text on a screen, so don’t fill your website and blog pages with just text. Add color with the photos you already have representing the great work you do. Be generous with their use.

4. Newsletters

Similar to your website and blog, an email newsletter can come to life with the pictures you use. Whether you send them frequently or not, a reader is more likely to engage (i.e. click) with your newsletter when images are included. Keep in mind that some firewalls and email providers block images from being viewed, so I recommend looking into what your email marketing program does to help get your messages through and not get dumped into spam folders.

5. Email

Speaking of email, what about that template “thank you” email you send out to your donors? Or the general email update to your major donors or board members? A picture or two attached can help bring to life the words you’re saying. You can drive home a simple quarterly update when you include a picture of the event you hosted or the community you helped. Think about the “routine” messages you send out and how pictures can help convey the message you want.

6. Print

Brochures, booklets, annual reports, flyers, and invitations—all of these things, big or small—can benefit by having pictures included in them. Take a look at your current printed materials and see if a picture or two can help give a little life to the graphic design.

What other ways have you used photos both online and offline?