4 Steps to Optimize Your Org's Twitter Page

Photo by Josh Semans

Editor’s Note: Yesterday we learned about optimizing your nonprofit org’s Facebook page, but did you know you could do that for Twitter too?

Here’s the second installment of Gisele Navarro Mendez‘s three-part series on how your nonprofit can optimize your social media profiles for SEO. Today’s topic is on Twitter. Check back here tomorrow, same time, for the last topic: Google+!

1. Optimize your Twitter bio

Search engines display your Twitter Bio content as the meta description of your Twitter profile on search results. That’s the reason why your bio must be informative, concise yet eye-catching, and contain some keywords (and even a hashtag) that represent your cause. You will get 160 characters, so use your words effectively!

>> Pro Tip: When uploading photos to your Twitter profile, it’s advisable to give the image files keyword-based names separated by dashes e.g. “Mightycause-nonprofit-fundraising.jpg”).

2. Link your Twitter profile to your site

Twitter offers different buttons for your site, making it easier for visitors to share content and connect with you. Don’t forget to include the URL to your website on your Twitter profile, and avoid using URL shortners on that section.

>> Pro Tip: Add a link to your Twitter from other social profiles!

3. Hashtags are your friends

Hashtags are useful for search because they categorize your tweets by topic. So in order to ensure more visibility, your tweets should include keyword phrases and hashtags. Using tools such as Hashtags.org and Tweet Archivist, you can search for suitable hashtags for your nonprofit and choose the ones that are popular.

4. SEO your Twitter lists

Twitter lists are a great way of organizing and curating your following, while creating another interesting URL that will show up in search engine results. Make your lists public and use descriptive keyword phrases in your list name. For example, “Marketing for nonprofits” is a better list name than a plain “Marketing.”