Creating or curating content for your Facebook Page can sometimes feel overwhelming.
You need to be posting a couple of times per day, make sure the content is about your fans, and make sure that there’s enough content diversity that reaches a broader base on Facebook.
One top of that, you might be a lazy bones.
Four Sources of High Quality Content
Fortunately, there are many ways you can steal curate content that won’t feel like a sharp stick in the eye.
Here are just four:
- — Pinterest: The best type of content that does consistently well on most Facebook Pages is photos. Pinterest, a new social sharing site where people pin, repin, and like photos is a great place to grab images for your Facebook Page. You can browse images either by category or by popularity.
- — Twitter: On Twitter, you can search specific keywords related to your cause and view the top tweets containing those keywords. You can easily find links to popular articles, and can view photos and videos right within the twitter stream. Twitter also allows you to save searches, which is an easy way to remember which keywords yielded the best results.
- — Digg: One of the laziest ways to find content that’s trending is on Digg. You can search the site for photos, videos and articles, and then filter those results by recency and Diggs.
- — Other Facebook Pages: Your Facebook Page has it’s own News Feed that you can view once you login as your Page. It functions exactly the same way that your personal News Feed does, except it only displays stories from Pages you’ve liked as a Page (Pages can only like other Pages). From the News Feed, you can share (or repost) updates from other Pages that have received a lot of comments and likes.
As always, make sure you give proper attribution!
Effective Content Curation Using a Strategy
One way to do content curation (which unfortunately is the most popular way) is to simply start surfing around for stuff that catches your eye. This is a very bad idea for two reasons:
- Your content will lack a consistent message.
- You will waste your time getting sucked into Digg and YouTube black holes.
Content creation and curation works much better with a well thought through strategy.
It doesn’t need to be anything complicated, just a set of guidelines that states your goals, audience and narrative.
“Content curation, the process of seeking and making sense of the best content on your topic or issue from other content creators, can be the foundation of a content strategy. It can not only help you create original content, but also helps you builds your audience or network.”
How are you curating content for your Facebook Page?