The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary last Friday has dampened our holiday spirits. But a week from today Christmas will still arrive and we need to do our best to be of good cheer, especially for our children.
Before last Friday, these four cause promotions made me laugh, gave me hope, and warmed me with a giving spirit. When I looked at them again this weekend, they still held their power over me. I hope they will raise your spirits too.
Hanes & The Salvation Army Host Annual Sock Drive on Skid Row
Mark Horvath of InvisiblePeople.tv is one of the most incredible people I know. Having once struggled with homelessness and drug addiction, Mark now helps others with their demons. Mark is a key partner in Hanes Annual Sock Drive on L.A.’s notorious Skid Row. With their charity partner, The Salvation Army, Hanes handed out socks to the needy. The sock drive on Skid Row brought Hanes total donation for the year to 500,000. Mark will tell you that keeping your feet warm and dry is one of the best things you can do when “sleeping rough”–slang for sleeping outdoors.
Watching this video will make you feel good!
You can also help right now. Visit Hanes’ Facebook page and share the campaign with your followers and Hanes will donate an extra pair of socks to the effort!
Luckie + Company Presents a Photo Tribute to Elf to Benefit 4 Children’s Charities
We all love the movie Elf, right? And we all love to help good causes. Luckie + Company are combining the two to support four great children’s charities. This promotion is simple but brilliant! First, pick your favorite scene from Elf. Second, write down the hashtag assigned to that movie scene, and snap a photo of you reenacting the scene with friends and family! Finally, upload it to Instagram with the hashtag.
Luckie + Company is compiling the photos at LuckieElf.com and donating $25 for each picture posted to these four children’s charities.
Sweater-izer App Turns Ugly Holiday Sweaters Into Nonprofit Gold 
Trisha Stezzi is a confirmed ugly holiday sweater nut! She’s also a cause marketer with the well respected cause agency For Momentum in Atlanta. Put the two together, add a smartphone, and you have Sweater-ize for a Cause! Using the app you can match anyone’s face with an ugly sweater and support School Play Spaces & Gardens, a joint program of Carter’s Kids and Environmental Media Association that supports low income children by providing playgrounds and edible gardens to low income schools.
You can also Sweater-ize a celebrity and share the image online to help raise awareness and funds for Carter’s Kids and EMA.
What have you seen this holiday season that has made you smile and laugh? We all could use both right now.