This week I’ve been writing about a new type of fundraiser I call Halopreneurs.
Halopreneurs are small time operators that leverage a business platform–usually temporarily–to raise money for good causes.
A good example are two Emerson College students in Boston. After the Boston bombing they designed a t-shirt at the make-on-demand site Ink to the People with the goal of selling a few tees to help the victims of the tragedy.
Last count they sold 59,000 shirts and raised nearly a million dollars!
While Halopreneurs visit make-on-demand sites to create and sell t-shirts, there are other options for this creative class of do-gooders.
- Lulu.com. On demand book publishing.
- CreateSpace.com. On demand books, CDs and DVDs.
- TasteBook.com. On demand cookbooks.
- TheGameCrafter.com. On demand board and card games.
- Spoonflower.com. On demand fabric, wallpaper, decals and gift wrap.
- Ponoko.com. On demand toys, housewares, furniture, jewelry and electronics.
Nick and Chris didn’t respond to a request to create a tee to support the victims of the bombings. As is the case after many tragedies, they were inspired to act. These two halopreneurs were born, not made. But most nonprofits will have to rely on the latter. They’ll have to identify potential halopreneurs and give them a nudge.
Here’s what they should be looking for.
- Do they have marketing savvy? Do they understand and know how to use traditional and new media and how to build “buzz?”
- Do they have an existing community to tap? Are they a graphic designer, entrepreneur, inventor or artist that’s created and sold other products?
- Are they a member of the creative class? Yep, you want the hip and cool. These people are young and eager to express themselves. They’re comfortable with technology and make-on-demand sites.
Do you have a halopreneur in your midst? Or are you a halopreneur yourself!