Halloween is a multi-billion dollar industry—second only to Christmas in consumer spending. But for fundraisers and do-gooders, Halloween is number one. Here’s why Halloween is a fundraiser’s dream and how you can start raising money this week!
Halloween is social. Halloween isn’t the family holiday that Thanksgiving and Christmas are. Parents parade their kids out in neighborhoods, and costume parties for all ages are everywhere. Halloween is the holiday of “weak ties” and you should capitalize on its casual, fun and social nature.
Halloween is packed all into one exciting night. The major holidays seem to drag on forever. But Halloween has a zombie-like following that kids and adults crave like the undead love BRAINS! Feed the need with your Halloween fundraiser.
Halloween is non-denominational. You won’t step on any toes by having a Halloween fundraiser. It’s not a religious holiday that’s going to exclude anyone and ruffle some feathers. It’s kind of like Thanksgiving with candy instead of turkey. Most people love it!
Halloween is part of everyone’s business model these days. I’m looking at this from a cause marketing perspective and the potential for you to work with businesses. Department stores, convenience stores, party stores and supermarkets, they all sell Halloween costumes, candy and decorations. They are all potential partners for your Halloween fundraiser.
How to Get Started with Halloween Fundraisers
1. Seasonal Halloween stores pop up everywhere this time of year.
Find out which stores are in your area from your local chamber or town hall and plan a fundraiser. Spirit Halloween, which operates hundreds of temporary stores from Labor Day to early November, has raised millions for children’s hospitals this month. It’s worth looking in to.
2. Collect candy for the poor, homeless or troops abroad.
You can find some good suggestions on who you can help here.
3. Collect food and coats.
Just give people a heads up before you drop by. I participate in a great program with a local college that collects canned and packaged good for the needy on Halloween. The day before Halloween they drop off a flier letting the neighborhood know when they’ll be by for a pick up. I love giving back Halloween night!
4. Wear your cause on your sleeve.
If you favor a particular cause, pick a costume that reflects it. How about a doctor or nurse from your local cancer hospital? Support the local zoo? I always wanted to see a giraffe costume! Check out this HuffPost slideshow for other ideas. You can also buy a gently used costume from Goodwill and support their mission.
5. Try reverse trick or treating.
Instead of asking for treats, two Boston teens are delivering an informational flier to homes to bring awareness to child labor practices at name-brand chocolate factories. A heavy topic for Halloween, but it’s a great attention-grabber that people won’t be expecting.
6. Trick or treat UNICEF style.
If you show up at a neighbor’s door with a homemade coin canister for your favorite cause, will they really say no because you’re not toting an orange UNICEF box? No! People want to help every cause.
7. Zombie walks are dead and growing!
These lurching, gory walks are becoming popular in many cities. Have you checked to see if your city is hosting one?
Good luck on Friday and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!