One of the things I love about writing for the Mightycause Foundation is how it’s opened my eyes to all the different types of nonprofits all over the world. It’s tempting to think that all the important charities have television ads, are the first responders after disasters, or have massive fundraising campaigns that raise tens of millions of dollars.
But the truth is different. There are plenty of small, successful charities that are having an incredible impact in their respective areas. Here are four nonprofits I’ve written about that deserve your attention, respect and money.
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Focus: Helping the homeless
What they do: InvisiblePeople.tv is a Los Angeles-based organization that strives to make the otherwise invisible homeless visible through video storytelling.
What makes them special: InvisblePeople is a one-person operation! Nevertheless, the founder, Mark Horvath has built a national reputation that has attracted the support of brands like Virgin Mobile, Ford, and Hanes.
Where you can learn more: I Hope You Get Socks for Christmas
Wine to Water
Focus: Clean drinking water
What they do: Wine To Water is a non-profit aid organization focused on providing clean water to people in need around the globe.
What makes them special: W2W has developed an innovative ceramic filter that turns undrinkable water into lifesaving water for third-world families. Moreover, the cost of the filter–– which will give a family of four clean water for five years––is cheaper than a good bottle of wine!
Where you can learn more: Is the Water to Wine Miracle Machine a GOOD Hoax?
Astronomers Without Borders
Focus: Science education
What they do: A California-based organization, Astronomers Without Borders, is improving the chances that people all over the world––especially children––will find the stars, and enrich their lives by looking up to the thing we all share: the sky.
What makes them special: AWB is working in some of the poorest countries in the world. Just one of their projects is Telescopes to Tanzania. I didn’t even know where Tanzania was! But when found it on a map, I knew the region where it was located: the Horn of Africa––home to some of the most dangerous and poorest countries in the world. AWB also has an amazing partnership with telescope maker Celestron!
Where you can learn more: Astronomers Without Borders Brings Stars to Everyone
Swipes for the Homeless
Focus: Feeding the homeless
What they do: Founded by two UCLA students in 2009, Swipes for the Homeless taps something students have to give (unlike money and time): unused swipes from their meal plans that expire at the end of each academic term. To donate, students just need to sign a form, and the Swipes for the Homeless team takes care of the rest.
What makes them special: In addition to being recognized by President Obama as a national leader in social innovation, Swipes for the Homeless has donated over 330,000 pounds of food nationally. The program has expanded to six other campuses!
Where you can learn more: College Students Swipe Meals for Homeless